by Gerald Fiebig / EMERGE / Limited Liability Sounds
Ambient and free improvisation are a great match. Purists of each of these genres may disagree But the label programme of attenuation circuit has proven time and again that deeply atmospheric music can be co-created in spontaneous interaction. The work of label head Sascha Stadlmeier aka EMERGE is a case in point. His extensive touring in the past decade has led to numerous live collaborations that have also found their way into the label's releases.
This new album, too, consists of two live sets in which EMERGE was involved, recorded a few months apart in 2018. The first of the two tracks is a collaboration with Polish project Limited Liability Sounds, recorded in Paris. The second, recorded in Bochum (Germany), is a collaboration with Gerald Fiebig, with whom EMERGE already played some of his earliest collaborative shows years ago in the early 2010s. A comparison with EMERGE and Fiebig's earlier collaborative releases such as “compound”, recorded in 2011, shows what a long way they have come in terms of both their individual musical strategies and their approach to instant composition.
Both tracks on this album are remarkably consistent – rather than just two live recordings packaged together, this is an album with a common compositional “theme”. Both tracks explore the merging and contrasting of extended, laminar, harmonic sounds and rhythmic samples. Found sounds and field recordings play a role in the compositions, but not as referents of the “real”. Instead, they are given a rather psychedelic treatment, opening up dreamscapes that are sometimes (perhaps deceptively?) tranquil, sometimes ominous – but never monotonous. This mix makes for stimulating music that might open its listeners' minds to the diversity, and ambiguity, of the world.
File under: drone, ambient, free improvisation, psychedelic
ACU 1026
factory-produced CDr in cardboard sleeve
Released in 2021
limited to 100 copies
price: 7.00 EUR (excl. postage)
photography by Dan Penschuck (
Butjatha "Kaiserstuhl", Dangast
recording, mastering and design by EMERGE
thanks to Max, Moana & Daniel
Also available here:
‘FIEBIG / EMERGE / LLS’ bestaat uit twee livesets. In de eerste horen we Stadlmeier met Limited Liability Sounds live in Parijs, in de tweede met Fiebig in Bochum. De stukken vallen met name op door de consistentie: Beide zijn ingenieus geconstrueerde klanklandschappen met een ietwat duistere ondertoon. In het eerste stuk doemen zo nu en dan nog wat ritmische patronen op en wat andere verfraaiingen, in het tweede stuk is dat aanvankelijk veel minder het geval en gaan muziek en stilte regelmatig naadloos in elkaar over. Daar overheerst vooral de nuance, de subtiliteit en de rust, zo mooi verbeeld in de hoes. Pas over de helft komt daar verandering in en doet een vrij dominante drone zijn intrede, die de opmaat vormt voor een beduidend kleurrijker vervolg.
Fiebig teams up with another label boss of their enterprise, Emerge, with two live recordings from 2018. Well, two for Emerge that is. First, there is a recording from Paris where did a collaborative piece with Polish artist Limited Liability Sounds and the second from Bochum, six months label, a battle of the bosses. These pieces are stuck together because they cover a similar territory where ambient meets improvisation. In the piece with Limited Liability Sounds this results in an all-electronic piece, which owes, so it seems, quite a bit to the world of old school electronics, and throughout it is on the quiet, introspective side. It works wonderfully well, this improvisation, but, so I believe, they have been on tour together quite a bit, so they know each other's work inside out. About twelve minutes longer is the piece Emerge recorded with Gerald Fiebig, and it seems to work around field recordings a bit more, all of which are being processed right there on stage. Here too it is introspective, bordering on the quieter side of the music. The two musicians space out their music quite a bit but go through more variations and the whole thing has a more collage-like approach, which makes it less ambient, I guess. I enjoyed both pieces quite a bit, with no preference for one or the other.
Ob auf's Dorf oder in die große Stadt, mit AC kommt man überall hin. Am Valentinstag 2018 bot EMERGE mit LIMITED LIABILITY SOUNDS ratatouille-verwöhnten Pariser*n @ La Pointe Lafayette und am 22.8.2018 zusammen mit GERALD FIEBIG Besucher*n der Bastion in Bochum Dreamscapes nach Art des Hauses (AC 1026, CDr). Dream-scape, Dröhnscape, Traumspiel? In Paris lassen Sascha Stadlmeier und Adam Ma?kowski die Imagination abtauchen wie mit einem psychedelischen U-Boot, das sich im Ocean of Sound mit Echolot voran tastet. Wasser sickert von den Wänden, ungeheurer Wasserdruck erzwingt ein ominöses Schweigen. Man halluziniert Gesänge, unter Wasser verlangsamt, wie im Traum, im Albtraum verlangsamt, Tiefsee-vögel zwitschern und pfeifen, Metall schlurcht, Metall klickt, die Tiefe mulmt und rauscht, etwas Quecksilbriges wispert und kichert. Die sanft dröhnende Drift kann sich einfach nicht von unheimlichen Einflüsterungen lösen. Eine Nixe keucht, Laute pflanzen sich kaskadierend fort. Aus Paris wird Ys. Der Bochum-Scape knüpft daran an mit Geläut wie aus Ys oder Vineta. Dazu etwas wie fernes Feuerwerk (oder Artilleriebeschuss), durch Wasser gedämpft. Vordergründig murmeln und glucksen Loops und Kaskaden, verhallen Detonationen, spitze Akzente durchblitzen wummrige. Ist der Kopf im U-Boot oder das U-Boot im Kopf, als nervenkitzliges Kopfkino, als Anverwandlung an deutsche Tiefenerinnerung, als Reise ans Ende des Verstandes in der dritten Generation? Unter Wasser setzt Regen ein, es rauscht und ballert in den Metalladern, paranormale Tonbandstimmen fluktuieren, Klangblasen pingpongen und kaskadieren. Die Tiefe kichert über einen harmonischen Halteton, unter Wasser gibt es kein Halten, keine Drehleier, kein Daumenklavier. Fernes Bersten, versunkene Stimmen, Spatzen tschilpen, und wieder schöpft ein postapokalyptisches Sieb martialische Einbrüche, dunkle Wallung und melancholische 'Mundharmonik' aus dem Es-war-einmal. Jede/r mag da was anderes hören und imaginieren, meerversunkene Vergangenheit oder im Mutterleib erahnte Zukunft, aber trocken bleibt dabei niemand.
Emerge are a solo project from Germany that has been featured before in this zine and on this recording does 2 different live sets one with Limited Liability Sounds and another with Gerald Fiebig and brings in a mixture of experimental, drone, ambient, psychedelic and improv and this is a review of their 2021 collaboration album which was released by Attenuation Circuit.
Atmospheric sounding drones start off the album while the music also gets very experimental sounding at times. Field recordings can also be heard in some parts of the live sets along with some psychedelic style soundscapes also being utilized at times and all of the music also sticks to an instrumental direction.
All of the music is also improvised while the music also gets more diverse sounding as the album progresses. Synths are also introduced on the second track and also takes the music into more of an ambient direction along with the music also keeping a very avant garde style as well as incorporating a more lo-fi atmosphere.
On this recording Emerge mixes his style with Limited Liability Sounds on one set and Gerald Fiegig on another set to create a very diverse sounding recording while the production sounds very dark.
In my opinion this is a very great sounding collaboration between Emerge, Limited Liability Sounds and Gerald Fiegig and if you are a fan of ambient, drone, experimental, improv and psychedelia you should check out this album. 8 out of 10.