
by Small Things on Sundays

After taking the long view on Small Things on Sundays' recordings in the dark ambient category, released by attenuation circuit on their 2023 CD "Guide", Henrik Bagner and Claus Poulsen have gone ravaging in the archives looking for goodies thier evil twins have left over since 2009, namely, live improvisations with turntables, table-guitar and laptop recorded 2009 to 2012. This album is a noise salad with a lot more vinyl jumping and maxxed out effects than the table-guitar drones on Guide. Elements of 60's avantgarde, soundart, noise music, minimalism, plundertronics. A noise symphony (Happy nightmare).

Those who already know SToS will most likely describe them as an experimental dark ambient project, but that is only half the truth. Through time, their noisier and more chaotic turntable experiments have been released on various underground cassettes, and often not promoted much. So you are excused if that side of SToS went under your radar.

This release collects the best tracks of these tapes in newly remastered and edited versions. Whether it's a compilation or can be seen as cohesive album (as very few owns the tapes), is up to the listener to decide.

The major part of these tracks were improvised live using two turntables and a stack of odd vinyls. Both members were free to decide which running order, speed and treatments to use. A few of the live sessions were done on one turntable and a PC running various samples from earlier sessions and lots of effects. But even the two members can't remember which ones …

For that reason the full title is: ”Misguided - Live turntablism” So if you, dear listener, expect nice dark ambient flowing out of your speakers, you have been warned. We urge you to turn up the volume and let the noise embrace you in this kind aural attack.

File under: turntablism, noise, improvisation

ACU 1072

factory-produced CDr in Digisleeve

Released in 2024

limited to 50 copies

price: 10.00 EUR (excl. postage)

Live improvisations with turntables, tableguitar and laptop recorded 2009 - 2012.
Henrik Bagner: concept continuity and collages
Claus Poulsen: mix and mastering
produced by Small Things on Sundays 2024

After taking the long view on Small Things on Sundays' recordings in the dark ambient category on their 2023 CD "Guide", Henrik Bagner and Claus Poulsen have gone ravaging in the archives looking for goodies our evil twins have left over since 2009.

This album is a noise salad with a lot more vinyl jumping and maxxed out effects than the table-guitar drones on Guide. Elements of 60's avantgarde, soundart, noisemusic, minimalism, plundertronics. A noise symphony (Happy nightmare).

Thanks to: Michele Scariot, Christian Kann and Tim Timm.

Also available here: http://www.discogs.com/seller/dependenz?sort=price&sort_order=asc&q=attenuation+circuit&st



Maybe a story I told before, but the first time I saw turntablism in action was in 1985 or 86 when Christian Marclay played the Goem Gallerie here in Nijmegen. I admit I found it fascinating, just as the concert P16.D4 off-shoot SLP did a few years later. Following that, I saw more people with turntables, heard more and found it perhaps more interesting to see than hear on CD at home. Danish duo Small Things On Sundays is not a strict turntablism group, as they also use table-top guitar, laptop and electronics, and one could see their music as being part of ‘dark ambient’ music. I am not sure, but I think Henrik Bagner and Claus Poulsen aren’t as active as they used to be, and this new release is another case of archival clean-up. The 15 pieces are from live improvisations from 2009 to 2012, emphasising using turntables and other instruments. This means we find them in a boisterous and scratchy mood in the early pieces of this CDR. Perhaps the sort of thing one expects from using old, scratchy vinyl and turntables. As the release progressed, this turned out not to be the case, and there are also some quieter, ambient industrial pieces of music to be noticed here, still sitting next to pieces with a massive amount of distortion, such as ‘Deep Sea Bombing’. The variety of the pieces saved this release for me; had it all been scratchy records, I would have been less optimistic. Combining various musical interests and placing them in a dynamic line makes this a fine release. Still, I prefer their regular work better.




Claus Poulsen & Henrik Bagner wirbeln in Kopenhagen schon eine ganze Weile als SMALL THINGS ON SUNDAYS umeinander. Misguided. Live turntablism (ACU 1072, CDr) greift zurück in ihre frühen gemeinsamen Jahre. 'Guitar next door' verrät, dass dabei die Tableguitar neben den 'Electric worms' und 'Ants in my PC' eher Nebensache war. Die Hauptrollen spielten jedoch Plattenspieler und der plundertronische Krach, der sich damit schlurchen und furchen lässt. In zäh gebremster oder überdrehter und verhackstückter Action. Mit Noiseattacken und orchestralen Einschüssen. Brachiale Rüpelei reibt an sausende und zwitschrige Spuren, kollidiert mit klimprig gerillten oder Locked Grooves. Nebelhörner warnen, Repetitionen eiern, Zerrüttung grassiert.


Small Things on Sundays Misguided cover front
Small Things on Sundays Misguided cover back
Small Things on Sundays Misguided InlaySmall Things on Sundays Misguided InlaySmall Things on Sundays Misguided Inlay
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