by WHALT THISNEY I The Phlod-Nar I el_masmore I Claus Poulsen

In 2024, attenuation circuit continues its series of four-way split albums called THING. The aim is to provide a medium for exchange and presentation of a great variety of artists. As each artist spreads the copies to their network, listeners also get to know the other artists featured on the same disc. The title references the fact that the CDs are physical objects – things! – but also refers to the 'thing' or 'ding' in old Norse and other Germanic languages, which designates the place of a popular assembly or the assembly itself and thus alludes to the 'meeting-place' character of the albums on (or around) which the four artists and their audiences meet, if only virtually.

Issue number six in the THING series starts with a calm, melancholic, piano-based track by WHALT THISNEY with an almost Satie-like flavour: musique d'ameublement as ambient music in the original sense, so to speak. The following track by The Phlod-Nar is also piano-based, but with a more tense, pulsating character. This restless mobility is something that also characterises track three, by el_masmore, but here the dominant timbre is glitchy electronics. The fourth and final track by Claus Poulsen is a more droney piece of electronica, starting off with a sharp siren-like sound, which over the course of the piece calms down to something like foghorns, organs, or perhaps whales. With this tranquil ending, the album comes full circle at the end of a sonic journey through different atmospheres.

File under: electronica, ambient, drone

ACU 1006

factory-produced CDr in cardboard sleeve

Released in 2024

limited to 100 copies

price: 7.00 EUR (excl. postage)

attenuation circuit ° ACUF 1006 ° 2024 °

photos by Dan Penschuck (
design by EMERGE



the THING series is open for submissions
please check details here:

Also available here:



Achter WHALT THISNEY gaat de Portugese musicus Fernando Cerqueira schuil. En ‘Dreams are the seedlings of realities’ is het stuk waar dit zesde deel mee opent. In de vorm van een vrij duistere, redelijk dramatisch vormgegeven klanknevel. Enig pathos is deze man duidelijk niet vreemd. Desondanks is dit een stemmig, onderhoudend stuk, waarin deze musicus een bijzonder coherente klankwereld binnen de stijl dark ambient schept. Randolf Smeets werkt onder het alias The Phlod-Nar en presenteert hier ‘nadie se conoce’. De basis van dit stuk bestaat uit vrij abstracte patronen gespeeld op een piano, waarvan de klank wordt vervormd en gecombineerd met een wat meer duistere, industrieel aandoende onderstroom. Zo ongeveer op de helft gaat het tempo wat omlaag en ontwikkelt het pianospel zich tot een stemmige melodie in de stijl van neo-klassiek. Waar deze muziek vaak ten onder gaat aan kitsch weet The Phod-Nar dat door zijn disruptieve elektronica gelukkig grotendeels te vermijden, al had het nog wel wat feller gemogen. Er zit geen samenhang tussen de stukken onderling en dus kan ‘illuminated’ van el_masmore, het alias van Jesús Alfaro weer heel anders klinken. In ieder geval veel abstracter, met veel bliebjes en plopjes en aan noise verwante interrupties. Het kleine beetje melodie dat we herkennen wordt hier vakkundig om zeep geholpen. Een bijzonder origineel en spannend stuk. De enige die op dit album te horen is onder zijn eigen naam is Claus Poulsen. ‘Vertical horizon’ is te typeren als conventioneel elektronische experimentele muziek, passend binnen de wereld van musique concrète. Mooi hoe hij hier speelt met pitch en klankvervorming, met name het tweede deel is wat dat betreft zeer bijzonder. Zonder meer het hoogtepunt van dit zesde deel.



Also on the same label, there’s another instalment of ‘Thing’, an ongoing four-way CDR compilation series, and this is number six. I didn’t count, nor did I look at older reviews. I just took Attenuation Circuit’s word for it. Of the four, el_masmore is the one I never heard of, The Phlod-Nar I recently reviewed, Walt Thisney a few times and from Claus Poulsen i reviewed a lot of music. Walt Thisney opens here (I am not going to try and recreate the way they spell their name), and they have a piece with a slightly distorted guitar drone, on the brink of distortion, but beneath that, there is some melancholic piano playing. While the label refers to Erik Satie, that’s a bit too far fetched, as it’s just a lot of piano sound drenched in reverb. The contrast works quite well. We find more piano in the piece by The Phold Nar, but this time without any distortion. The piano is the primary instrument in this piece, played melodcially and improvised, so the player is sometimes lost here. There’s a bit of colouring of sound effects, and towards the end, there is way more electronica in the way of sound effects going out of control. That broke off the piece for me.
We have to write el_masmore (all lowercase), behind which we find “Jesús Alfaro, sound experimenter and composer. This heterodox musician based in Marbella, Spain, began his experiences with a Korg MS10, later incorporating classical and electric guitar into his works”. His ‘Illuminated’ is a lighter piece of more improvised electronics, evolving around a few sound sources, and it sounds delicate but perhaps also too easy, as if it can’t decide which direction to go. Claus Poulsen, I know, is a man of many talents, and improvising with electronic means is one of them. He, too, works with drones of organ-like variety, and they have a shepherd-tone quality, that seemingly never-ending cycle. His piece seems to be about transforming similar sounds, taking them apart over time, and deconstructing them. The best out of four, but taste is subjective.



Die sechste Ausgabe der AC-Reihe THING (ACUF 1006) vereint WHALT THISNEY in Lissabon mit Randolf Smeets alias The Phlod-Nar, der, aus den Niederlanden stammend, sich in Belgien klanglich von Ambient über Pärt bis zu Plunderphonie und zappaesker Xenochronie auffächert; mit Jesús Al­faro alias el_masmoreund seiner Vergangenheit mit Líder y los Damnificados schon in den 80ern (?) und einem schwer überschaubaren Horizont von kuriosem Elektropop bis zu surrealem Postindus­trial in Marbella; und mitClaus Poulsen in Kopen­hagen mit seinem ABC von Alarm 112, Blind Man's Band, CAM über Star Turbine zurück zu Eardrops. Den Auftakt macht 'Dreams are the seedlings of realities' mit seinem trefflichen Plural 'realities' und für Fernando Cerqueira typischer Wehmut durch verstaubten Pianosound, der auf verzerrten Dröhnwellen dahindriftet und dabei pingend die Staubdecke durchstößt. 'Nadie se conoce' tastet schwammig-monoton und klimpert ebenfalls nos­talgisch auf Pianotasten, in elektronischer Stereo­phonie bezischelt. Dass der Pianist wechselte, fällt kaum auf. Auch zu 'illuminated' gelingt ein glei­tender Übergang, durch zitternde Wellen, ver­zerrte rhythmische Vorwärtsbewegung und key­boardistischen Klingklang, der funkelnd dahin­sprudelt. 'Vertical horizon' bringt sirenenartig sir­rende und heulende Sounds über einer bebenden Sinuswelle und ganz leise gedämpften Beat. Der Alarm senkt sich und verstummt, zittrig bohrende Impulse bleiben, als schwirrende Ufos und pul­sende Nachwehen des Alarms, der nun wieder hoch glissandiert, in sich zittert, wabert und als uuu pulst, von drahtigem Klang umhallt, bis zum statischen Ausklang.

WHALT THISNEY I The Phlod-Nar I el_masmore I Claus Poulsen THING cover front
WHALT THISNEY I The Phlod-Nar I el_masmore I Claus Poulsen THING cover back
WHALT THISNEY I The Phlod-Nar I el_masmore I Claus Poulsen THING Inlay
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